Se eu pudesse sairia assim na rua todos os dias ,tricô ,shorts e tênis não podem faltar ou se eu puder trocar os tênis pelas havaianas seria uma boa também .Gosto muito desse blog porque ele tem aquele ar de hippie chic que eu adoro e nunca abro mão , se vocês puderem visitar ele , poderão achar que alguns looks são um pouco exagerados , mas isso é da personalidade forte da blogueira que explora de tudo um pouco e personalidade na maneira de se vestir é o que não falta nela...
If I could just go out on the street every day, knitting, shorts and tennis can not miss, or if I can exchange the shoes for a Hawaiian would be good too ....I love this blog because he has that air of hippie that I adore and never open hand, if you can visit him, may find that some outfits are a little exaggerated, but it is the strong personality of the blogger which explores the little things and even a little more, and what is not lacking in personality mode of dress..
If I could just go out on the street every day, knitting, shorts and tennis can not miss, or if I can exchange the shoes for a Hawaiian would be good too ....I love this blog because he has that air of hippie that I adore and never open hand, if you can visit him, may find that some outfits are a little exaggerated, but it is the strong personality of the blogger which explores the little things and even a little more, and what is not lacking in personality mode of dress..
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